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If you are a referred patient, a new patient, or thinking of becoming one, WELCOME! Thank you for visiting our web site and for your interest in the office of Dr. Efrain Garcia. Our office strives to celebrate our patient diversity and their unique health needs. If after browsing our website pages you feel comfortable trusting us with your health needs read this information so you will know how to establish the office of Dr. Efrain Garcia as your medical home.


We realize that starting with a new doctor can be confusing and stressful. We understand that time is very precious. To minimize wait time and expedite your office visit, we provide you with online enrollment forms. Please complete these forms prior to your appointment. This will allow us to more efficiently enter your information into our system and decrease waiting time in our office. You can also choose to fill this office enrollment forms once you are in the office for your initial visit.


If you are a new patient, we recommend you come 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment in order to take care of the paperwork required by the insurances and health care systems. Please make sure your appointment has been previously scheduled, and that we have all the pertinent information on your medical insurance for verification purposes prior to your first visit to our office.


Please bring the following with you on your first visit:


All relevant medical and immunization records

A list of all the medications you are taking

A photo I.D.


For our patients referred by PCP, please also bring:

Patient Referral

Recent labs/diagnostic tests

Complete list of all medications you are taking


It’s important to bring your insurance card because health plan benefits and financial obligations vary depending on specific coverage. Please bring any applicable co-payment. Plan on arriving 20 minutes before your first appointment to complete paperwork.


Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality medical care in a personalized and compassionate manner. We appreciate you choosing our office and we look forward to seeing you soon.


Please click here to access our Enrollment Forms.   (Chasque aquí para ver las formas en español)


Please click here to access our Request for Medical Records Transfer (one form used for both request and release).   (Chasque aquí para ver las formas en español)


Please login to our Patient Portal to access your Medical Records Release Forms to release your records from this medical practice.

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